Where is the most accurate place to take the body temperature? Suppose a body is found and its temperature is recorded at 34 degrees Celcius, how long has the body been dead?

Respuesta :


When the body dies, the organs cease to function and do not produce any more energy, but after death, the body is still hot, that heat is the amount of energy left in the body while it is alive. This amount of energy will be lost gradually, on average, in summer, each hour will decrease from 0.5 to 1 degree C and in winter will decrease from 1 to 1.5 degrees C. The rapid or slow decrease in temperature depends on Body fat or thin, clothing thick or thin, body indoors or outdoors. The order of the cadaver's temperature begins to decrease from the head, face, limbs to the base of the limbs, and finally the armpits, abdomen and episiotomy. To determine the time of death, Scothland security agency has come up with a time formula based on the temperature drop of the cadaver.

Time after death = (37 degrees C - T degrees) / 1.5 degrees C

