
Your friend decides to start a low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet. Describe to your friend how energy metabolism of carbohydrates will change and the impact it will have on weight loss/maintenance in the short-term and long-term.

Respuesta :


A low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet reduces body weight by increasing fat burn and, simultaneously, by decreasing the amount of calories consumed


A low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet promotes weight loss, while preserving the proportion of muscle mass. It has been shown that this type of diet tends to the reduction of the appetite, which leads to weight loss without hunger (i.e. people tend to feel satisfied with lower-calorie consumption). In a low-carbohydrate diet, the insulin and glucagon levels increase, thereby leading to the oxidation of fats in response to the lower glucose availability. Moreover, it is important to remark that both high-protein consumption and physical activities help to maintain muscle mass during weight loss.