Beowulf presents himself as a loyal, strong and honorable warrior who submitted himself to the service of the Da*ish people in the name of peace and prosperity. He also says that he was chosen by the Getas to kill the enemy of the Da*ish, that he has already killed countless beasts and that his only defeats were due to the intervention of sea monsters.
A part of Beowulf's presentation is "" I, here, never say / that I am, in the power of struggle, superior / to Grendel - nor in exploits of war. / I am not coming to leave you lifeless / with this sword mine, although that I / could. "
Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon poem and tells the story of the warrior Beowulf who uses his supernatural strength to defeat the monster Grendel and bring peace to the Da*ish people.
Beowulf is an epic hero and as such has great strength, beauty, loyalty, honor, masculinity and an intense courage to defeat any enemy. These were characteristics much appreciated by the Anglo-Saxon people which shows that the poem reveals much of the culture of that time.