Our founders learned from my Great Grandfather Canassatego 1684-1750 leader of Iroquois Nations. Shared my people constitution with Jefferson the arrows and those great things. Like the FREEDOM STATUE on the capitol dome. Unalienable rights, ARE GOD GIVEN RIGHTS, There will be no PEACE without justice. American Indian Constitution is considered on of the oldest governing documents in the world, 1142 AD. Unfortunately few in to days government have ever read the constitution of these united state. So its just hot air these days. But if savages could live by the constitution in peace, I would think civilized man could? Constitution is a great document world wide. But apparently this government doesn't have to believe in the document. Every law these drunk congress pass YOU LOSE YOUR LIBERTIES, Constitution is just another way for them in political parties to raise money. Try to send photo of FREEDOM STATUE. Constitution is just a POLITICAL PUNCH LINE THESE DAY.