PLZ HELP!!! Thou reproachest us, very inappropriately, that our country is a little hell in contrast with France, which thou comparest to a terrestrial paradise, inasmuch as it yields thee, so thou safest, every kind of provision in abundance. Thou sayest of us also that we are the most miserable and most unhappy of all men, living without religion, without manners, without honour, without social order, and, in a word, without any rules, like the beasts in our woods and our forests, lacking bread, wine, and a thousand other comforts which thou hast in superfluity in Europe. –"Your People Live Only Upon Cod: A Micmac Responds to the French” The excerpt is a response to the French insistence that native people "reform” and adopt European ways of life, recorded by French priest Chrestian LeClerq. The Algonquian speaker exemplifies which response to colonization? A) Attempts to civilize native peoples were misplaced, as they relied on a narrow and Eurocentric definition of “civilization.” B) While slow and difficult, a transition from traditional ways of life to more European-influenced ways of life would ultimately benefit native peoples in the long run. C) The resistance of native populations to adopt European-influenced ways of life was the result of fear and uncertainty. D) Native populations would be happier if they adopted European-influenced ways of life.

Respuesta :


A) Attempts to civilize native peoples were misplaced, as they relied on a narrow and Eurocentric definition of “civilization.”


The passage shown in the question above shows how the natives were being harmed by the Europeans' view, who believed that they should totally change their ways of life and their culture to adopt standards that they did not want and did not consider right. In other words, the passage shows how the attempts to civilize native peoples were mistaken, since they were based on a narrow and Eurocentric definition of "civilization".

The Europeans believed that they were the only civilized and worthy peoples in the world and tried at all costs to suppress different cultures, which maintained another concept of civilization and dignity. This shows how colonization was a prejudiced, racist and oppressive activity.


