Suppose your network support company employs 75 technicians who travel constantly and work at customer sites. Your task is to design an information system that provides technical data and information to the field team. What types of output and information delivery would you suggest for the system?

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Answer and Explanation:

Technicians who travel constantly and are most likely working from remote locations would require information support that is ready and available as at when needed (24/7). The following would help them access technical information easily:

Internet knowledge based system: this could be like a encyclopedia for technicians where they could easily search up information they need for their work from anywhere.

Web-based system : this can help technicians ask or search for technical information online and also communicate and give out information to other technicians.

fax and email: a ready and available email support system and fax would boost information availability to technicians

Based on the information given, the system that should be implemented should be one where the information will be stored in a database.

Also, the system will have an application that the technicians will use to login into the system. It should also be noted that the system will be divided based on the technician's roles.

In this case, the technicians will have different access that they can use to get the data from the database.

Lastly, encryption should be used to secure the data.

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