This is not really a question but can you read my essay that I wrote last year and review it? Please. “If life is not suffering you still do not have the moral righteousness to decide whether someone else's life is worth living.” What this person is saying is, life is not meant to live in pain, therefore you can’t decide if someone else should live or die. This relates to abortion. Abortion is the termination of a life, a baby’s life. There is no excuse to abort unless it is to save the life of the mother. Besides, there are other options. Abortion is wrong, for many reasons, therefore it should be illegal. A human is a human being from the point it was created. According to, “A foetus has a unique genetic code, a foetus is a unique individual.” Aborting a child, no matter how long it has been inside its mother's womb, would be killing it. And killing a human being is a crime. “ It is wrong to kill beings that would have a future like ours if they lived.” ( Introduction to the Abortion Debate) Everybody wants to live a happy and succesful life. Why not give a child the chance to grow up, to be successful and happy? “It is wrong to cause pain & suffering, a foetus is sufficiently developed to feel pain by 18 weeks.” ( Introduction to the Abortion Debate) Nobody wants to be in pain, so why cause it to another? One said, “ Many women do not become pregnant by choice. It is wrong to force these women to remain pregnant when they do not want to be.” ( Pro-life vs Pro-choice: Should abortion be legal?) It is obvious that most women who have an abortion do not become pregnant because they want to. But no one forces these women to remain pregnant, instead some give advice on how to raise a child. If women abort, they are forcing a baby to die when they do not want to. “... This can lead to additional abortion benefits; it allows women to continue pursuing their educational or career goals and work toward greater financial stability.” ( Pros & Cons of Abortion: 16 Things Every Women Should Know) But according to the University of Massachusetts Medical School, only 4% of the abortions are due to interference with education or career plans. The causes of financial instability are, the lack of money management skills, income stability, and financial literacy. ( One of the leading causes of the lack of money management skills is education expenses. ( According to, college graduates leave school with a debt of $30,000. But 53% end up being unemployed or working in a job that doesn’t require a bachelor’s degree. ( So there is no reason to abort if you have that excuse. There are two other options besides abortion. Adoption and parenting. If you truly do not have the money to raise a child or do not want it you could put it up for adoption. There are many couples out there willing to adopt and raise a child. On the other hand, you could just raise the child. There are many organizations that provide help if it is needed. Later on, after the pregnancy, you can learn to love it and care for it. It may be true that it is cheaper to abort than to raise a child. According to, the estimated cost of raising a child from birth through age 17 is $233,610. To abort, it costs from about $350 to $950. But what matters most is that you love and care for the child. Although an abortion usually lasts 10-15 minutes, it still violates the right to life. It causes pain and suffering to both the mother and the baby. There are other options, abortion doesn’t have to be one of them. Why not give a chance, instead of taking one away?