Answer: The reference frame of a passenger in a seat near the center of the train
the speed of light is the same for the passenger and the bicyclist
then the avents are simultaneous fo the passenger not for the bicyclist
the delay between the two events for the bicyclist is
Δd= lenght of train
vs=speed of sound
the reference frame of a passenger in a seat near the center of the train
The space and time transformations are:
x' = γ(x - vt)
t' = γ(t - vx/c²).
In the primed frame the two events are simultaneous, so that Δt' = 0. Also here Δx' = 30. In the unprimed frame Δx' = 30 = γ(Δx - v Δt).......(*)
We also have Δt' = 0 = γ(Δt - vΔx/c²)→Δx = c²Δt/v......(**)
Substituting (**) in (*): 30 = γ(c²Δt/v - vΔt))→Δt = 30/(c²/v - v) =
30/(2c - 0.5c) = 6.7 x 10^(-8)s