Unlevered beta = 0.53
Beta is a measure of systematic risk. Systematic risk is further divided into business and financial.
Business risk and financial risk. Business risk is that associated with the nature of the business operations that causes variability in the operating income of the business.
This is measured by the unlevered beta where the company has no debt finance.
Financial risk, on the other hand, is associated with use of debt finance . A company that uses a form of debt would face such risk . The systematic risk of such business would be measured using the levered beta.
The formula below shows the relationship:
βa = βe × Ve/ (Ve + Vd(1-T) )
βa -Unlevered beta
βe - Levered beta
Ve- Equity weight
Vd- Debt weight
T- Tax rate
βe- 0.9
βa- ?
Ve- 1
Vd- 1
T- 0.3
βa = 0.9 × 1/(1 + 1×(1-0.3)=0.529
βa - 0.53
Unlevered beta = 0.53