A group of plant hormones, which are accountable for growth and development is gibberellins. These hormones play an essential part in the initiation of seed germination. A lesser quantity, these hormones can play an essential function in elevating the speed of germination, and they instigate cell elongation so that the plants grow taller. The following are the essential uses of gibberellins:
1. Promote flowering
2. End seed dormancy
3. Increase the size of the fruit.
For the seeds to germinate, there is a need for seed dormancy to end, and this can be done with the use of gibberellins. The hormone also promotes the process of flowering, which helps in the production of more fascinating and larger specimens of flowers.
The flowering process also influences the rate of the growth of fruits. Gibberellins are also used in the generation of seedless fruits. The spraying of the hormone helps to enhance the size of the fruit.