Matching - some phyla may have more than one answer, some may have none.
1. Urochordata
2. Cephalochordata
3. Petromyzontida
4. Chonrichthyes
5. Actinopterygii
6. Sarcopterygii
7. Amphibia
8. Reptilia
9. Mammalia
10. Not a Chordate
A. Sting ray
B. Catfish
C. Newt
D. Sea squirt
E. Chestnut lamprey
F. Otter
G. Sea horse
H. Horse
I. Cormorant
J. Chimaera
K. Leopard frog
L. Caiman
M. Hellbender
N. Tunicate
O. Bald eagle
P. Sea star
Q. Echidna
R. Bandicoot
S. Cottonmouth
T. Sea lamprey
U. Tuatara
V. Flamingo
W. Lancelet
X. Caecillians
Y. Human
Z. Sawfish

Respuesta :



Matching - some phyla may have more than one answer, some may have none. 


Urochordata: sea squirt, tunicate

Cephalochordata: lancelet

Petromyzontida: sea lamprey, chestnut lamprey

Chonrichthyes : stingray, saw fish, catfish, sea horse, chimaera

Actinopterygii: catfish, lampreys, sawfish


Amphibia : newt, leopard frog, hell bender, caecillians

Reptilia: cotton mouth, caiman, tuatara, flamingo,cormant

Mammalia : human, horse, otter, bandicoot, echidna horse

Not a Chordate : sea star