Respuesta :


I like suspense. Suspense keeps me reading, watching, etc. to see what happens next. I like lots of intricate clues, the process of figuring things out, and being able to figure out what happens next.

I also like really descriptive books with a lot of world-building, which leads me towards sci-fi and fantasy. Although I like realism from time to time, I generally prefer mysteries, comedies, etc. to flat-out realistic fiction.

Some specific sub-genres I enjoy:

-Transformation. Literal, not figurative. Although I don’t like werewolves. I like it when people can become animals or other people. There’s just something really cool about that to me.

-Hackers. Relax, I know nothing about hacking computers. I just really like books about computer-related adventures, the type that involve searching through obscure websites and finding mysterious Easter eggs deep within the Internet.

-Steampunk mysteries. Enough said. Be warned, I haven’t read many that were very good. I don’t like Gail Carriger, for one.

-Dreams. I love stories about dreams. Inception, The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf by Ambelin Kwaymullina, even vaguely dreamlike stuff like The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami. I just started reading Sandman by Neil Gaiman.

-Books as a plot device. Myst, The Books of Beginning, The Books of Magic, etc.

These are just a few of the subgenres I enjoy!

Hope it helped you...