Mrs. Putnam feels she deserves to know why she has had to endure the deaths of seven children.
The Crucible is a play writter by Arthur Miller. The play is based on Salem Witchcraft trials of 1692-93.
In Act 1, Mr and Mrs Putnam visits Reverend Parris's house to know the condition of Parris's daughter, Beatty, who is lying listless and rumors of her being bewitched are spread.
Mrs Putnam, in her discussion with Reverend Parris explained to him that he sent her daughter, Ruth to Tituba to communicate with the dead spirits of her seven children as Tituba was able to communicate with the dead spirits. So, Mrs Putnam said that she sent Ruth to know that why she suffered the death of her seven children, as she thought that someone performed some witchcraft on her children.
So, the correct answer is the second option.