Though eminent, he was prudent and sage, And in his bearing mild as any maid. He’d never been foul-spoken in his life To any kind of man; he was indeed The very pattern of a noble knight. –The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer How is the knight characterized in the passage? Though eminent, he was prudent and sage, And in his bearing mild as any maid. He’d never been foul-spoken in his life To any kind of man; he was indeed The very pattern of a noble knight. –The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer How is the knight characterized in the passage? What conclusion can be drawn about the narrator based on his description of the knight? What conclusion can be drawn about the narrator based

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As a genuine nobleman.


The narrator describes the knight as prudent-(someone who acts with or shows care and thought for the future.), and sage-(a wise man). These two descriptions of the knight are enough to suggest his noble qualities. But let's delve a little deeper into his character. " And in his bearing mild as any maid." This sentence describes the knight's tolerance by comparing it to that of a maid's. Traditionally, a maid has no right to yell at anyone, or complain. The knight here, does'nt see himself worthy of doing so either."He’d never been foul-spoken in his life To any kind of man; he was indeed The very pattern of a noble knight." This sentence describes his clean mouth. Or in other words..his habit of not cursing. Back in the Knight Ages, it was commonplace for people of high stations to be pretty potty-mouthed, so this knight is described as "clean"...and was never foul-mouthed with anyone. The conclusion you can draw up of the narrator based on how he described this that he is quite precise in his descriptions, detail orriented and very accurate. The narrator took the time to ardently describe our knight here. He is passionate about relaying the virtue of the knight.


Considering the excerpt, the knight is characterized in the passage as someone honorable and polite in manner.

This is evident when the narrator describes the knight as prudent, bearing mild, never been foul-spoken, and the very pattern of a noble knight."

The conclusion that can be drawn about the narrator based on his description of the knight is that the narrator admires and respects the Knight greatly.

This is evident as he carefully describes the Knight in an acceptance tone.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the narrator described the Knight as a polite and honorable person, which the narrator himself respects greatly.

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