After the secession of South Carolina, how many states seceded before
Lincoln was inaugurated as President?





Respuesta :


After the secession of South Carolina, 6 more states seceded before Lincoln was inaugurated as President.


When Republican Abraham Lincoln won in the 1860 presidential election, many in the south believed that his government would put an end to the legality of slavery in the United States, thus threatening its economic stability and the profitability of its businesses, which were based eminently in slave labor. For this reason, and in view of these fears, on December 24, 1860, South Carolina separated from the rest of the country.

From that time until February 1861, 6 new states separated from the Union: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. These states along with South Carolina were the ones that formally founded the Confederate States of America on February 4, 1861.