Respuesta :
Supply, shift in , rise fall
the demand, shift in, fall ,fall
supply , shift out fall, rise
the demand , shift out rise rise
the demand shift in fall fall
If the wages of factory worker increases, it becomes more expensive to hire workers, the cost of production increases and the demand for labour would fall. as a result, production would fall and the supply of tablets would fall. a decrease in supply leads to an inward shift of the supply curve. as a result of the fall in supply, quantity would fall and there would be a rise in price.
Substitute goods are goods that can be used in place of another good. If the price of notebooks falls, it becomes cheaper to purchase notebooks, so the quantity demanded of notebooks would rise and the demand for tablets would fall since it is cheaper to buy a tablet. the demand curve for tablets would shift in as a result of the fall in demand. As a result, price and quantity of tablets would fall.
Increase in the number of manufactures would lead to an increase in supply. this would cause a rise in the supply of tablets. when there is a rise in supply, the supply curve shifts out, prices fall and quantity increases.
the new game would increase demand for tablets because people would be interested in playing the game. as a result of the rise in demand, the demand curve would shift out, the quantity would rise and prices would rise
A complement is a good that is consumed together with another good. if the price of apps rise, it would become more expensive to buy apps as result the demand for tablets would fall. the demand curve would shift in and price and quantity would fall
- When Supply, shift in, rise fall
- Then the demand, shift in, fall, fall
- After that supply, shift outfall, rise
- Then the demand, shift out the rising rise
- Then the demand shift in fall fall
Demand and supply
When the wages of factory worker increases, it becomes more expensive to hire workers, also the cost of production increases, and also the demand for labor would fall. as a result, when the production would fall also the supply of tablets would fall. when a decrease in supply leads to an inward shift of the supply curve. Although as a result of the fall in supply, the quantity would fall, and also there would be a price rise.
When Substitute goods are goods that can be used in place of another good. also If the price of notebooks falls, it becomes cheaper to purchase notebooks, so the quantity demanded of notebooks would rise, and also the demand for tablets would fall since it is cheaper to buy a tablet. the demand curve for tablets would shift in as a result of the fall in demand. So As a result, the price and also the number of tablets would fall.
When Increase in the number of manufacturers would lead to an increase in supply. this would cause a rise in the supply of tablets. when there are a rise in supply, the supply curve shifts out, prices fall, and also quantity increases.
When the new game would increase demand for tablets because people would be interested in playing the game. So as a result of the rise in demand, the demand curve would shift out, the quantity would rise and also prices would rise
Thus A complement is a good that is consumed together with another good. if the price of apps rises, it would become more expensive to buy apps as a result the demand for tablets would fall. Then the demand curve would shift in and price and also quantity would fall
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