
Alternative price indexes
Because there isn't one single measure of inflation, the government and researchers use a variety of methods to get the most balanced picture of how prices fluctuate in the economy. Two of the most commonly used price indexes are the consumer price index (CPI) and the GDP deflator.
The GDP deflator for this year is calculated by dividing the
______________ using _____________ by the
______________ using_____________ and multiplying by 100. However, the CPI reflects only the prices of all goods and services _________
Indicate whether the price change described in each scenario may affect the GDP deflator or the CPI for the United States.
Scenario Show up in the..
GDP Deflator CPI
An increase in the price of a Japanese-made phone that is popular
among U.S. consumers
A decrease in the price of a Fisher King deep-water reel, a popular
recreational fishing product built in Rarington, Indiana

Respuesta :


-value of all goods and services produced in the economy this year

-this year's prices

-value of all goods and services produced in the economy this year

-the base year's prices

-bought by consumers

-the first scenario would have effect on the GDP deflator

-the second scenario would have effect on the GDP deflator


The GDP deflator is used in measuring inflation in the economy by measuring changes in prices of goods in the economy. It is used together with other indices such as consumer price index in arriving at a more accurate or balanced measurement of inflation I'm the economy. The GDP deflator would be affected above because it is more comprehensive in it's calculation or measurement as it doesn't take into account only a basket of goods and services like the Consumer price index does