You are staying in a dormitory. Your cousin is getting married but you cannot attend the marriage because of your final exams. You are feeling very low. Share your feelings with your personal diary.

Respuesta :


today i am feeling very sad. my cousin is getting married and considered making me the bridesmaid. but due to my final exams, i am unable to attend. this breaks my heart. we grew up together, she is like the sister i was unable to have. we only had each other. to make up for this inconvinience, i will study extra hard to pass my exams and get a good grade. she tells me that my education is more important but i tell her that my family comes first before anything. i am so lucky to have her.



I don't even know what to do anymore! I've been in my dorm eating chips for the last two days studying for finals and I am so stressed. Not only that, I can't even go to my dearest cousin's wedding! She is probably so upset with me even though she told me she understood what I was going through. If I quit college, I won't have to do my exams! Ha.. like my parents would let me. Three days until exams and I don't feel ready at all.. what am I going to do

hope this helped haha :)