Both Cowper and Butler manipulate word order. In no less than seventy-five words, explain why Cowper’s diction sometimes makes the text hard to understand, while Butler’s is less difficult.

Respuesta :

First, it is necessary to explain that Diction is the term that refers to the choice of words that the author makes, as well as the choice of linguistic factors used to convey the message, themes and ideas of a written work. The function of the diction is to establish the voice and style of the text, in line with the message that the author wants to convey. Based on this, we can say that Cowper's diction usually makes it difficult to read the text, because Cowper has preferences for words and linguistic factors that promote a more immersive and reflective reading, through less common and more elite words. Butler, on the other hand, has a less difficult diction, since he prefers more direct messages and the use of more common words and of direct, punctual and quick meaning.