
She — come to think of it, she was kind of like a bird herself — real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and — fluttery. How — she — did — change. —Trifles, Susan Glaspell She’s got that feeling some people have about cats — being afraid of them. —Trifles, Susan Glaspell Whom does the bird symbolize?

Respuesta :


Wright, Minnie, Foster, Minny, minny, foster, wright, minnie, minnie foster, Minnie Foster,Mrs. Wright, mrs. wright,

You can use any one of them

The bird symbolizes Mrs. Wright.

  • In Trifles, we learn about Mrs. Wright who was arrested because she was a suspect in the death of her husband, John Wright.

  • In the excerpt above, we find that the speaker was describing Mrs. Wright whom many thought to be a gentle individual.

So, the description above was about Mrs. Wright.

Learn more about Trifles here: