Identify techniques employed in various mediums to enhance a story analyze the effects of techniques unique to each medium compare and contrast a written story with a version in another medium (i.E., audio or video)

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Identify techniques employed in various mediums to enhance a story analyze the effects of techniques unique to each medium compare a written story with a version in another medium (i.E., audio or video)

Mediums do affect the way we describe our story. As the world is advancing, new techniques are being generated to convey a story.

Writing a story required no one, but readers have to read the story by themselves. The story is written in a particular tone and theme, but the reader can inculcate its imagination into it, thus giving the readers an edge to enhance their imagination and creativity. Moreover, the reader can go back to the previous pages in case he did not get some points.

While telling a story is something different. It is an old way to convey a story. It requires a storyteller. But it helps the listener to indulge more in the story. The storyteller may change the story considering its audience. It is a short compare to reading a story. However, listeners can see the storyteller. Moreover, the storyteller can indulge his listeners more into the story through his verbal actions.

The myths and other stories told by the older people are an example of storytelling, but the story is changed by the time according to the needs. However, if the myths and stories are written in some proper way, they remain the same.

For example, Noah ark is a story that is being told by the people of old ages in their ways, but when this story is being written, it described each and everything making it more impactful.