
Of course, not everyone affected by HIV/AIDS carries the disease. Many people have friends or loved ones who have HIV/AIDS, and many others have lost friends or loved ones to the disease. Think of someone who has been influential in your life. It could be a parent, relative, friend, or teacher. Imagine that you found out today that this person has been diagnosed with advanced HIV/AIDS and will soon pass away. Then, do your best to respond to each of the following questions: · Would the diagnosis change your opinion of this person? Why or why not? · What questions would you want answered? (Examples: How did the person become infected? What can you do to help?) · Would you feel comfortable talking to this person about HIV/AIDS? Why or why not? · After the person passes away, would you want to do anything to publicly honor his or her memory? If so, what? If not, why not? please help I'd really appreciate it!!!

Respuesta :

the answer isn't really anything that other people can tell you, because in the question(s) it's stating on how YOU would feel, so no one else can answer but yourself :)

that's the best i can explain how to answer this, but the full explanation on how is how you answer it, because no one has the answers for you, but yourself


the diagnosis would not change by opinion of the person, I would help care for them and always help them if they ask me for it. If I truly care about someone if they have HIV's or not I will still love them and feel so bad. Caring for someone in times of need is important. I would ask them for help and if they are comfortable telling me I would ask them how they got infected.
