Respuesta :
Please see explanation below
Culture refers to way of life of people in a given society. It is the belief, values, customs, ideas or social behaviour of people as they relate in the society. Generally, culture changes all the time and everyday in a subtle way. As humans, we communicate and express our cultural values in different ways which is very difficult to identify what cultural values that are displayed.
The social aspect of culture talks about people's family background, knowing about people around them etc. It is a way of understanding humans and how people and situation/environment influence their actions and behaviour.
Practical examples.
1. For instance in a group discussion, if I want to pass a message(in my culture) to my colleague without letting a third party know what is going on, i would simply blink my eye. What that means is that he should simply excuse us which could have different meaning to other people as regards their culture.
2. In my culture, Males greet elders by prostrating while females knee down. These shows respect and must be displayed each time we come across them. This is somewhat different to other people's culture as such are considered as taboo .
3. In my culture, it is forbidden to give people something using the left hand as such is considered as being disrespectful. This is however not the same with other people as their culture reads no meaning to that hence can give things to people by either hands.