Communication Skills:
1. Reprimanding a staff assistant for late-coming:
Schedule a meeting to discuss the problem
2. Scheduling a meeting with your boss:
Call the boss's assistant and request a meeting.
3. Informing a supplier that your company will soon be cutting back on its purchases because you plan to shift more of your business to suppliers offering lower prices:
A telephone call to the supplier to explain the situation
An email to the supplier to explain the situation
Communication is a two-way traffic. The central purpose is to enhance understanding. In reprimanding a staff assistant, I shall first understand the problem he or she is facing. Full understanding of a problem generates workable solutions. Responding to problems without some created solution mechanisms will not ensure lasting relationships. The main purpose in any communication situation is to achieve understanding of the challenges being faced by the other party, whether with my assistant, my boss's assistant, or my company's supplier.