Respuesta :


Following are the answer to this question:



The stack data structure is used to create method, parsing, analysis of expression, and tracking. This data type uses the LIFO system, which stands from the Last In First Out. This data structure operates on the top side. In this data structure, it performs two methods, that are "push() and pop()" method and the time complexity of the stack data structure O(1).

Example of Stack:

import java.util.*;//import package

 public class Main //defining class Main


public static void main (String[] ag)//defining main method  


     ArrayDeque<Character> stack = new ArrayDeque<Character>();//creating Character array ArrayDeque  

       stack.push('A'); //add value in stack  

      stack.push('B');//add value in stack  

      stack.push('B'); //add value in stack  

      System.out.println("First Insert:"+stack); //print value         stack.pop();//remove value from stack    

    System.out.println("After removing element: "+stack); //print value         stack.push('B'); //add value in stack    

    stack.pop();//remove value from stack      

 System.out.println("final value: "+stack); //print value    




First Insert:[B, B, A]

After removing element: [B, A]

final value: [B, A]


The queue data structure is an abstract type, it is similar to the stacks data structure. It is open at both ends when opposed to lines. It follows the FIFO method, which stands for the First-In-First-Out method, At one end data is inserted and at the other end, it deletes the data and the time complexity of the queue data structure O(1).

Example of Queue:

import java.util.*;//import package  

public class Main//defining a class queue


    public static void main(String[] ars)//defining main method


      LinkedList<Integer> que= new LinkedList<Integer>();//defining integer array LinkedList    

      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)//defining fo loop to add value in queue  


        que.add(i); //use add method to insert value        


System.out.println("Queue value: "+ que); //print queue value      

  int remove= que.remove(); //remove value from the queue          System.out.println("after removing value from queue: "+ remove);//removing element from queue  

      System.out.println(que);  //after removing the element print value  




Queue value: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

after removing value from queue: 0

[1, 2, 3, 4]