
QUAL O CONCEITO DO PARAGRAFO A SEGUIR: A resposta e não.Unhas e cabelos crescem ate certo ponto.No caso dos cabelos, existem trés fases: anadenia ou crescimento (que dura de dois a cinco anos),catagena ou interrupção do crescimento (que dura cerca de trés semanas) e telogenica ou queda (que dura de trés a quatro meses). Na fase anagena , os cabelos crescem em torno de um centimetro ao mes.E na telogena que perdemos, diariamente, de 60 a 100 fios. ME AJUDA POR FAVORRR

Respuesta :


In English: WHICH PARAGRAPH CONCEPT TO FOLLOW: The answer is no. Nails and hair grow to a certain point. In the case of hair, there are three phases: academia or growth (which lasts from two to five years), catagen or growth interruption (which lasts about three weeks), and telegenic or fall (which lasts from three to four months). In the anagen phase, hair grows around a centimeter a month. And in the telogen, we lose 60 to 100 hairs daily. HELP ME PLEASE


Paragraph: And in the telogen, we lose 60 to 100 hairs daily.