When JFCs consider incorporating combinations of contiguous and noncontiguous AOs with linear and nonlinear operations, they choose the combination that fits the operational environment and the purpose of the operation. Which of the following combinations describe a typical sustained offensive and defensive operation against powerful, echeloned, and symmetrically organized forces and where the forward line of own troops focus combat power and protect sustainment functions?
1. Nonlinear operations in noncontiguous AOs
2. Nonlinear operations in contiguous AOs
3. Linear operations in contiguous
4. AOs linear operations in noncontiguous AOs

Respuesta :


The correct answer is C)

Linear operations in contiguous AOs.


JFC stands for Joint Forces Command.

AO in United States Army nomenclature means Area of Operations.

Linear Operations is a military terminology which refers to the execution of operations using their own troops engaged in combat in a forward fashion. Linear operations military tactics allow commanders to channel and maintain combat power toward enemy forces along with adjacent units. Another word for adjacent units is Adjacent Operations.
