You would like to continue your education in the senior high school but your parents don't want you to, write a letter to a relative explaining why you to continue your education and asking him/her for help

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                                                                               11, Omolayo Street,

                                                                               Ikeja, Lagos.

                                                                               17th July, 2020.

Dear Sir,

How are you, your wife, and the entire family ? I believe you are coping with the realities of this period.

I am writing to you with a heaviness of heart. I just completed my education at the junior high school level and my parents have insisted that I put a stop to my education at this level so that I can help them on their farm, full time. My plan is to pursue my academics to the college level and get a degree in medical sciences. The hope of achieving this dream is becoming bleak as my father is very determined to stop my education for his own selfish interest.

I am writing to you today as my uncle so that you can help me convince my parents on the reason why My education should not be stopped. I believe you are the only one that can help me out of this quagmire due to your enlightenment and depth of knowledge. Thank you so much Sir.

                                                                                         Yours sincerely,
