The ancient Athenian playwright Aeschylus used the story of Prometheus and Zeus as a basis to discuss tyranny and injustice, with Zeus portraying the role of an unjust tyrant. Considering all we have read this semester, do you think that Zeus was just in his punishment of Prometheus? You MUST choose a side. Explain your answer.

Respuesta :


I will prefer Zeus's hand instead of Prometheus's. Then according to Greek mythology, Prometheus was a sly trickster, that gave humanity the gift with fire with metalworking abilities.


One day, Prometheus performed a trick by giving Zeus the bones and muscles to consume and not by providing the best meat at Mt. Olympus during a meal. Upon discovering this, Zeus stripped from Prometheus the power of Fire and left the meal so that the man is forced to have the raw meat. Prometheus attempted to steal the power of fire from him in various ways. This was an act of robbery that Prometheus committed. Following that, by chaining him to a wall, Zeus punished Prometheus and sent an eagle to eat his liver.

Prometheus' liver has grown every day. Each day the eagle came, and Prometheus was scared of it.