Fill in the blanks with followings words.

Fusion of these two bones forms the nasal septum__________.
Prevents food from going up into the nasopharynx during swallowing___________.
Common passageway for food and air___________.
Serous membrane lining the walls of the thorax____________.
Structures that keep the conduction zone always open___________.
The area where trachea divides into right and left bronchi____________.
Also known as the lobar bronchi________.

a. Soft palate
b. Perpendicular plate of
c. Ethmoid and vomer
d. Carina
e. Secondary bronchi
f. Cartilage
g. Parietal pleura
h. Oropharynx

Respuesta :


  • Fusion of these two bones forms the nasal septum: Ethmoid and vomer
  • Prevents food from going up into the nasopharynx during swallowing: Soft palate
  • A Common passageway for food and air: Oropharynx
  • A Serous membrane lining the walls of the thorax: Parietal pleura
  • Structures that keep the conduction zone always open: Cartilage
  • The area where the trachea divides into right and left bronchi: Carina
  • Also known as the lobar bronchi: Secondary bronchi


  • Ethmoid and vomer: The ethmoid is located under the horizontal part of the frontal bone, in the anterior and medial part of the skull base. The vomer is located on the back and bottom of the nostrils´ septum. The nasal septum is an osteocartilaginous structure, and its bony part is composed of part of the ethmoid and part of the vomer bones.
  • The soft palate is the posterior part of the mouth roof conformed of muscles. Its anterior edge inserts in the posterior part of the hard palate. The soft palate avoids the pass of food and liquids to the nasal fosses. It constitutes the nasopharyngeal closure.
  • Oropharynx: it is an anatomic region originated in the most posterior region of the mouth, starting at the end of the oral cavity from the soft palate to the hyoid bone. It allows the transit of food, liquids, and saliva in their transit from the mouth to the esophagus. Also, it acts as a food path during vomit. It makes possible the emission of air during vocalization and expiration.
  • Carina: Crest in the base of the trachea that divides the right and left openings of the principal bronchial tube. Also known as trachea´s carina.  
  • Secondary bronchi:  The primary bronchi divide into secondary bronchi, also known as lobar bronchi. There are two secondary bronchi in the left lung and three in the right lung. Each secondary bronchi originates tertiary bronchi.
  • Cartilage: Tissue that keeps different conduction zones open continuously, such as the larynx, which is surrounded by this tissue that impedes its closure at the inspiration moment.  
  • Parietal pleura: Pleura are those serous membranes of the pleura cavities. There exist the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura. This last one corresponds to the anterior portion that covers the thoracic wall and the superior surface of the diaphragm.