Part D
Imagine in the future that climate change causes the destruction of the Ganges Delta, particularly the area known as the Sundarbans. Based on your reading of the knowledge Article, what is one effect such destruction would have on the local environment and its people?

Respuesta :


not able to plant the crops they want ......


According to the article, the Sundarbans is an area in Bangladesh and India that is home to the world’s largest mangrove forest. Mangrove forests have adapted to flourish in salty water and provide protection against storms, as they can stop fast-rising water and strong winds. As sea levels rise, more of the mangroves are submerged, lessening their ability to stop flooding and wind damage. The destruction of the Sundarbans would result in storms having a much greater impact on the inland regions in the area. The destruction of the mangroves would force many people to leave the Sundarbans region and become environmental refugees.


This is the exact answer on Edmentum... so you might wanna change it up a bit.