Respuesta :

Answer: "Two heads are better than one" because usually, two people have more possibilities to solve a problem that one person alone.Because of my experience I can say that there are a lot of situations in life in which you need help of other people, the help can be of any kind, for example you might need a person who help you to move to a new appartment, but other times you might need someone who gives you advice, in both cases, is better to have someone to help you.

Moreover, asking other person for help will give us a new approach to the situation and maybe we realize that the situation is not so bad as we thought it was. For example, if you have a problem with a friend and you are very angry, explaining your situation to another person could help you to chill out and think possible rational solutions, or maybe you discover that the problem was not so serious and you can forget the dispute.

In an academic or work situations I think it is also better to work in pairs or teams, because you can divide the work in parts and dont be stressed. For example, if you have a heavy subject in class and you think you are not going to pass the exam, you can ask some friends to summarize some of the units of the book and then, before the exam you all have all the summaries to study.

Finally, I think it is also good sharing our work and cooperate with other people, not only take advantage of them for our own benefit, but achive common goals.

In conclusion, I think there are so many reasons to prefer to work with other people that can be summarized in the idea that if we are selfishand unsupportive it is worse for us.
