Warm up:
People's weights Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:
printf("%0.2lf", yourValue);
(1) Prompt the user to enter five numbers, being five people's weights. Store the numbers in an array of doubles. Output the array's numbers on one line, each number followed by one space. (2 pts)
Enter weight 1: 236.0
Enter weight 2: 89.5
Enter weight 3: 142.0
Enter weight 4: 166.3
Enter weight 5: 93.0
You entered: 236.00 89.50 142.00 166.30 93.00
(2) Also output the total weight, by summing the array's elements. (1 pt)
(3) Also output the average of the array's elements. (1 pt)
(4) Also output the max array element. (2 pts)
Enter weight 1: 236.0
Enter weight 2: 89.5
Enter weight 3: 142.0
Enter weight 4: 166.3
Enter weight 5: 93.0
You entered: 236.00

Respuesta :


Following is the program in the C language

#include <stdio.h> // header file  

int main() // main function


float weight1[10]; // array declaration  

float sum=0,max1,t; // variable declaration

for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++) //iterating the loop


printf("Enter weight %d: ",k+1);

scanf("%f",&weight1[k]); // Read the array by user



printf("You entered: ");


for(int k = 0; k < 5 ; k++)



if(max1 < weight1[k]) // check condition for highest element




printf("%.2lf ",weight1[k]);


t=sum/5.0; // find average

printf("\nTotal weight: %.2lf\n",sum); // displat total

printf("Average weight: %.2lf\n",t); // display Average

printf("Max weight: %.2lf\n",max1); // display maximum value

return 0;



Enter weight 1: 1

Enter weight 2: 2

Enter weight 3:3

Enter weight 4:4

Enter weight 5: 5

You entered:  1.00  2.00  3.00  4.00  5.00

Total weight: 15.00

Average weight:  3.00

Max weight:  5.00


Following are description of program :

  • Declared a array "weight1" of type "float" .
  • Declared a variable sum,t max1 of type "float ".
  • Iterating the loop for taking the input by the user by using scanf statement .
  • Iterating the loop for calculating the maximum value in "max1" variable  ,total in "sum" variable .
  • In the "t" variable we calculated the average.
  • Finally we print the value of the maximum ,average ,total and respective array that are mention in the question .