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Answer and Explanation:
Dormancy is a period in an organism´s biological cycle in which its growth, development, and physic activity gets suspended for a period of time. This causes a drastic reduction in metabolic activity, allowing the organism to conserve its energy. Dormancy is closely related to environmental conditions, and it is considered to be an adaptation mechanism by which organisms respond to extreme conditions.
Hibernation belongs to this dormancy process, in which animals progressively decrease their metabolic rates and their body temperature is held a few degrees over the ambient temperature. During hibernation, all functions are reduced: cardiac rime, respiration, renal function, and etcetera.
Before hibernating, bears eat a huge amount of food because this energy is what will keep them alive while hibernating. This action is known as hyperphagia, and while doing it, bears accumulate fate in their tissues. As these animals need to maintain the energy balance and metabolic health, they make use of these reserves. The nutrients excess will turn into triglycerides, that the animal will use to store in the fatty cells. There are several elements involved in the process, such as sugar, amino acids, glycerol, among others.
The fatty acid catabolism is the predominant reaction that occurring in this bear. Option C is correct.
In this condition, animals decrease their metabolic rates and their body temperature is increased a few degrees over the ambient temperature. During hibernation, the heart rate, respiration and renal function is reduced.
The bears hibernate in the winter because of the lake of food outside. Hibernation help them to stay alive even in the no food is available for few months.
Before hibernation, bears eat a huge amount of food and store a lot of fat this fat provide a constant supply of energy during hibernation.
Therefore, the fatty acid catabolism, provide the energy during hibernation of bears.
To know more about Hibernation: