
Dr. Clairmont will have his psychology students training dogs from the local animal shelter to sit using various types of reinforcements. One group of students will train the dogs
to sit by giving the dog a treat when it correctly performs. The other group of students will train the dogs to sit by firmly and loudly scolding the dog when it does not correctly
perform. After 3 weeks of training, the dogs will be evaluated to see which group has more dogs that will sit on command.
What might an ethics review committee decide about the proposal?
The proposal is approved, as it meets the ethical guidelines related to animal research.
The proposal is approved, because while the animals suffer harm, the human participants suffer no psychological harm.
The proposal is denied, because the animal participants suffer physical harm.
The proposal is denied, because the animal participants cannot leave the study
The proposal is denied, because the human participants are deceived

Respuesta :

Answer:Habituation is a simple learned behavior in which an animal gradually stops responding to a repeated stimulus.

Imprinting is a specialized form of learning that occurs during a brief period in young animals—e.g., ducks imprinting on their mother.

In classical conditioning, a new stimulus is associated with a pre-existing response through repeated pairing of new and previously known stimuli.

In operant conditioning, an animal learns to perform a behavior more or less frequently through a reward or punishment that follows the behavior.

Some animals, especially primates, are capable of more complex forms of learning, such as problem-solving and the construction of mental maps.


If you own a dog—or have a friend who owns a dog—you probably know that dogs can be trained to do things like sit, beg, roll over, and play dead. These are examples of learned behaviors, and dogs can be capable of significant learning. By some estimates, a very clever dog has cognitive abilities on par with a two-and-a-half-year-old human!



A. The proposal is approved, as it meets the ethical guidelines related to animal research


Use process of elimination:

B. The proposal is approved, because while the animals suffer harm, the human participants suffer no psychological harm.

This can't be true because while the human participants suffer no psychological harm, there is no evidence that shows that animals suffer any harm in the experiment.

C. The proposal is denied, because the animal participants suffer physical harm.

Again, there are no animals that suffer physical harm.

D. The proposal is denied, because the animal participants cannot leave the study

There is no evidence that shows that animal participants cannot leave the study.

E. The proposal is denied, because the human participants are deceived

In what way could the human participants be decieved? This is not true.

By using process of elimination(and of course your psychology lesson) you will find that the answer is A.

...Plus, I also took the test and that's the answer. :)