
What was the world like in 1066? (what was life like, how times have changed.) Quickest gets brainliest!

Respuesta :


- In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, was invading England.

- The Norman knights were also expanding into Sicily and mainland Italy,

- The migration of Seljuk Turks from Central Asia was about to threaten the Byzantine Empire, eventually leading to the call for the First Crusade.

- Sima Guang (司马光)began writing his monumental history of China, known as the "comprehensive mirror to aid in government".

- Russia was enduring its "time of troubles" - as immortalised in the opera Boris Godunov - and subsequent conflict with the powerful alliance of Poland-Lithuania.

- Shah Abbas the first was building an empire in Persia, while early trading expeditions were attempting colonial settlement in Maine, financed by English Catholics.