Respuesta :
Slang has the power to transform language and show that language is a living element of our society, subject to constant adaptation and modification that accompanies the evolution of society, culture and the human being.
Like language, writing is an element of communication that allows us to express opinions, ideas, thoughts and feelings. In this summer, writing became something even more necessary, since we are living in a moment of social change, linked to a pandemic and numerous demonstrations against the prejudice and racism that plagues our society. All of this can make us anxious, worried and with many thoughts accumulated in our subconscious. Using writing to put those thoughts out is a way that I personally believe is very effective in relieving the stress and anxiety that this moment can provide us. In this case, it is possible to write these thoughts and send them to a trusted friend, or even write and keep them to us, either as a reminder of an impactful moment in our life, or in order to better understand how our psychological is dealing with all this.