
A very popular teacher at your school is leaving after a long and successful career. The staff, students and parents are going to celebrate the teacher’s career at a ceremony where the Principal will make a thank-you speech. The Principal asks you to write a report which gives information for the thank-you speech. The Principal also wants suggestions from you for what else to include in the ceremony.

Write your report. You must include the following

• the name of the teacher and an outline of the teacher’s career

• examples of what has made the teacher so popular and successful with students

• what events the students think should be included in the ceremony and why.

Cover all three points above in detail. You should make sure your report is polite and informative.

Start your report ‘To the Principal’ and remember to supply a signature and date.

Concept web

· Name Ms Alice, English , 30 years

· Polite, starts the class giving individual attention, problem solver, confident, moral values, hardworking,

Kind, has subject command , explained things nicely, honour the opinion of students, counsel the students, creates/Maintains a learning environment, answer all queries raised by the students, friendly attitude and good communication skills , cooperative and organized, friendly tone, encourager, does not discriminate

· Showered with petals and walked on the red carpet

· Thankyou speech by the principal

· Welcome performance

· Cake cutting

· Thankyou notes by students

· Titles by students

· Acknowledging the efforts by colleagues

· Group photo

· Video or a collage of pics throughout her career

· She is given a shield as a memoir


To: The Principal

From: XYZ

Date: June 16, 2020

Subject: Farewell to Ms. Alice