c) triple bottom line.
The alternative that should be considered by Sunset Oil is the triple botton line, which is related to the social, environmental and financial results of an organization.
A conscious organization knows that the result of its actions has a very direct impact on the entire community and on the environment, which can positively or negatively influence its position with stakeholders and impact financially on the business
Therefore, the triple botton line integrates the three fundamental concepts for maintaining sustainability in a company.
The three pillars of the triple botton line are:
1- People: It relates to the company's entire human capital, including its employees, suppliers, consumers and the community in its surroundings and society. Therefore, it is ideal for the company to develop actions that benefit society as a whole and develop an environment of ethical work relationships.
2- Planet: It lists the conduct that the company will have to preserve natural and environmental resources in the short, medium or long term.
3- Profit: It is the company's economic result due to the actions that protect the balance of the environment.