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Following are the point that described the web browser for the stepping stone as a  future scientific breakthroughs.


  • Tim Berners Lee was the founder of world wide web .The Tim Berners Lee  is software engineer at CERN they had seen the troubling of exchanging the data .In that time there are various data in various computer .
  • The Tim  Berners Lee  felt he had found the way for resolving this problem and develop a thing so that we can exchange the data in any where .In that time already lots of computer are already linked each other with the high speed of the internet so tim develop a new technology called hypertext .
  • In the March 1989, in a paper titled  known as "Information Management" Tim is developed but this proposal is rejected .
  • In the 1990 Tim is developed the three technology HTML ,URI and  HTTP   with the help of this the world wide web is developed and we can share the information anywhere in the world .
  • The sharing of information in a easy way gives the future bright the person in anywhere in the world will access the data or the information also We cam communicate anywhere in the world by using email .