Kayak Co.
Monthly Cash Budgets:
January February March
Bank Loan Balance $80,000 30,800 0
Beginning Cash Balance $40,000 $40,000 $58,592
Cash Receipts 525,000 400,000 450,000
Cash Payments (475,000) (350,000) (25,000)
Loan Interest Repayment (800) (308) 0
Balance 89,200 89,692 483,592
Loan Repayment -49,200 -30,800 0
Minimum Cash Balance 40,000 58,892 483,592
Like all budgets, a cash budget is a financial planning tool for management to forecast the cash receipts and expenditures in order to be well prepared to deal with a cash shortage and excess when they occur. It helps management to assess if the business can be run smoothly with cash resources without liquidity problems.