Below are three sets of main points for speeches. For each set, supply the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea.General Purpose:Specific Purpose:Central Idea:Main Points: I. You should support the school bond referendum because it will improve classroom facilities.II. You should support the school bond referendum because it will increas the number of teachers.III, You should support the school bond referendum becasue it will upgrade instructional resources.General Purpose:Specific Purpose:Central Idea:Main Points: I. The first event in a traithlon is swimming.II. The second event in a triathlon is cycling.III. The third event in a trathlon is running.General Purpose:Specific Purpose:Central Idea:Main Points: I. As a writer, Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence and Notes on the State of Virginia.II. As prsident, Thomas Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase and approved the Lewis and Clark Expedition.III. As an architect, Thomas Jefferson designed Monticello and the University of Virginia.

Respuesta :



1. General Purpose:

It is to persuade

2. Specific Purpose:

To persuade the audience made up of students to support the bond referendum.

3. Central Idea:

To persuade students to support the referendum because it will benefit all by increasing the number of teachers.


1. General Purpose:

Inform audience

2. Specific Purpose:

To inform the audience about the three events that takes place in triathlon.

3. Critical Idea:

This three events in triathlon are first, swimming, second, cycling, and third, running.


1. General Purpose:

To inform the audience

2. Specific Purpose:

To inform the audience about some of the things Thomas Jefferson did during his lifetime.

3. Critical Idea:

In all Thomas Jefferson was a successful Writer, President and Architect.