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The hero is the main character of a story, novella, poem or quite simply anything. They are classified and identified by their charm and alturistic charisma. Often called a protagonist, they lead the majority of actions in the story. Whilst they have outstanding abilities, they also face many obstacles for there will almost always be a villain, also known as an antagonist, to oppose the hero and block his actions. However, in taking on the villain, the hero often discovers more about himself and has a new door opened for him.
The way in which a hero acts always varies. They may be static or dynamic. Static characters have a tendency to remain unchanged and are very one-dimensional. On the other hand, contrasting static characters, there is the dynamic character, often the hero. Dynamic characters, as the name suggests, change and develop over the course of the story and are multi-dimensional. Dynamic heroes are largely favored over static ones as the reader may feel a deeper connection with the character. However, to truly see a change in the hero, a foil may also be introduced. The foil, likewise to the antagonist, oppose the hero's actions but in doing so, opens the eyes of the reader to the true nature of the events and actions. They put the reader in a bit of a dilemma in their decision of which character to favor, but of course, because of the hero's undeniable charm and willingness to change, he/ she is often favored.
These are just hero's in stories and novels, but such heroes also exist in our lives. Regardless of who it may be, everybody can be their own hero. In their willingness to change to help others portrays selflessness and duty towards mankind. In their desire to overcome obstacles in the face of adversity, heroism is displayed, for like heroes in stories, nothing gets in their way. Such people should be recognized for their bravery and relentlessness, and to do so we have to change our perspective on current situations. To see the world in a different light is what we must strive towards. Biase and immoral judgment clouds us and to overcome that, we must put ourselves in the shoes of those who see things differently.
However, the most important heroes to you on a personal level, are those who have bought you happiness. The most simple emotion of all, greatly overlooked by modern-day minds, has been with us since the dawn of time. After all, it won't be your social media followers who'll help you in your time of crisis, it will be your real, flesh, friends and family. Personally, I feel like society has forgotten how we are surrounded by heroes and allies. Like the story of Hayden and the oyster. Naturally, one would choose to be Hayden for who wouldn't want to live 77 years filled with fame. But due to our current, ever-evolving society, we choose to be the oyster, who will ultimately live its entire life and forevermore in warm water. Although the pleasure experienced by the oyster will one day exceed that experienced by Hayden, living every day to the fullest is what people were interested in, but not anymore. If we still keep our connections with those who mean something to us, then we would realize how great a hero has entered put lives, and then only would we be able to appreciate how pleasurable life is.
Finally, we must strive to realize that whomever we consider a hero, also goes through hardships and difficulties. They, like all of us, are not perfect and we must realize that pressuring them to obtain perfection may in turn break them. Hence, people we consider heroes aren't all that different from hero's in stories.