Often you may see advertisements for items as “freebies. Describe how the items may not actually be free and the impact they have on people who receive them. Have you ever had an experience with a “freebie”?

Respuesta :

You see some people think that wow I get this in the mail or on email, so it might be from a reliable source. So they give them all of their information and boom they have been hacked. Some freebies may be good, while others may be bad. So I guess what I am trying to say is that don't just apply for a freebie without even checking to see if it is legit. This is how I would check: If there is a number at the bottom of the website, I would call them, but you may have to go under contact us.
I like the first responders answer.
Also there seems to always to a ploy; free until the third month & then "bam" your charge card is hit with fees. Or... Free except you pay for shipping.

It's misleading advertisement because so many people love FREE deals. Just look at all the Buy one get one in stores. Consumers end up spending more money than they started out planning to spend.
Universidad de Mexico