Can someone help me with these chemistry questions? I will name brainliest and this is worth 50 points

What ion is responsible for acids?
How are alkalis different from bases?
Name an alkali.
What is the general equation for a reaction between an acid and a base?
What is oxidation?
Metal + Acid Salt + ????
If an atom lost 3 electrons, what charge would it have?
Why do metals conduct electricity?
What is a positive test for hydrogen?

Respuesta :


H + ions are for acids

there is one. Essentially a base is a chemical which will react with an acid to form a salt and water only. An alkali is a water-soluble base.  Insoluble bases, which are not called alkalis, are all metal oxides and insoluble metal hydroxides.

HCl(aq) + Na(OH)(aq) → H2O + NaCl this is what i know

hey i remembered y metals conduct electricity

Metals contain free moving delocalized electrons. When electric voltage is applied, an electric field within the metal triggers the movement of the electrons, making them shift from one end to another end of the conductor. Electrons will move toward the positive side. Metal is a good conduction of heat.


those are what i know hope it helps


H + ions

alkalis are also bases but the difference between them is,alkalis are soluble in water but the bases doesn't. Bases are substances that react with acids and neutralise them.

Potassium hydroxide, KOH.

When an acid and a base are placed together, they react to neutralize the acid and base properties, producing a salt. The H(+) cation of the acid combines with the OH(-) anion of the base to form water.

the process or result of oxidizing or being oxidized.


Metals are excellent conductors because the atoms in a metal form a matrix through which their outer electrons can move freely. Instead of orbiting their respective metal atoms, they form a "sea" of electrons that surrounds the positively charged atomic nuclei of the interacting metal ions .

Positive diagnosis for a lactulose SIBO breath test – typically positive if the patient produces approximately 20 ppm of hydrogen and/or methane within the first 60–90 minutes (indicates bacteria in the small intestine), followed by a much larger peak (colonic response). This is also known as a biphasic pattern.