
Ruben wants to determine if listening to different types of music will have an effect on a person's pulse his hypothesis states that if people listen to rap music their pulse will increase more than if they listen to other types of music Ruben takes each participants pulse before during and after listening to 30 minutes of rap music he has his mother listen to rock music his sister listen to classical music and his friend listen to rap music from data collected h determine the rap music raise a person post the most 1.identify the independent and dependent variables 2. despite the results this is not able to support Ruben hypothesis suggest specific improvements that will make the experiment test the given hypothesis explain why these changes are improvements

Respuesta :

Yes it chances de pulse, if u hear heavy metal ur pulse is going to grow if u hear classic is going to slow down

The impartial and structured variables are the two key variables in a science test. The unbiased variable is the one the experimenter controls. The established variable is the variable that adjusts in response to the unbiased variable. the two variables can be related by way of purpose and effect.

Ruben desires to determine if paying attention to specific types of track can have an impact on someone's pulse. His hypothesis states that if a person listens to a rap song, their pulse will boom greater than in the event that they listen to other kinds of tracks.

Does paying attention to a song lowers heart price than some other type?

Sound processing starts offevolved inside the brainstem, which also controls the rate of your heartbeat and respiratory. This connection may want to explain why a relaxing song may additionally decrease coronary heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood strain — and additionally seems to ease pain, strain, and anxiety.

What happens to the established variable as the impartial one changes?

The independent variable is the purpose. Its fee is unbiased of different variables to your look at. The structured variable is the effect. Its cost depends on changes in the independent variable.

Learn more about music can lower blood pressure here: