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racism is a one way thing some black people milk their ancestors being slaves when they are the one trying to get their way with what their ancestors went through



firstly racism is the act prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.the social problem of racism is so bad to the society like the death of george floyd that was an act of racism


Dominant theoretical explanations of racial disparities in criminal offending overlook a key risk factor associated with race: interpersonal racial discrimination. Building on recent studies that analyze race and crime at the micro-level, we specify a social psychological model linking personal experiences with racial discrimination to an increased risk of offending. We add to this model a consideration of an adaptive facet of African American culture: ethnic-racial socialization, and explore whether two forms—cultural socialization and preparation for bias—provide resilience to the criminogenic effects of interpersonal racial discrimination. Using panel data from several hundred African American male youth from the Family and Community Health Study, we find that racial discrimination is positively associated with increased crime in large part by augmenting depression, hostile views of relationships, and disengagement from conventional norms. Results also indicate that preparation for bias significantly reduces the effects of discrimination on crime, primarily by reducing the effects of these social psychological mediators on offending. Cultural socialization has a less influential but beneficial effect. Finally, we show that the more general parenting context within which preparation for bias takes place influences its protective effects.

Keywords: crime, ethnic-racial socialization, parenting, race, racial discrimination

“Being black in U.S. society means always having to be prepared for antiblack actions by whites—in most places and at many times of the day, week, month, or year. Being black means living with various types of racial discrimination from cradle to grave.” (Feagin 2010:187)

Racial discrimination persists and profoundly affects the life chances and routine situations of everyday life for racial minorities in the United States (Essed 1991; Feagin 1991). Despite the persistence of racism, the influence of racial discrimination on social behaviors remains extremely underdeveloped (Brown 2008). Criminal behavior is no exception. Although scholars have long been interested in explaining racial disparities in street crime—the idea that racial discrimination might be implicated in offending was presented as early as 1899 by Du Bois (“In the case of the Negro there were special causes for the prevalence of crime … he was the object of stinging oppression and ridicule, and paths of advancement open to many were closed to him.” [p. 241])—until very recently the idea that personal experiences with racial discrimination are directly implicated in the etiology of offending has been largely unexplored. This neglect is all the more remarkable given the evidence that African Americans, particularly males, engage in more street crime than do whites (Hawkins et al. 2000).1