
A genomic sequencing method called _______ sequencing was used in the human genome project. In this method, DNA is broken into many small fragments and the fragments are sequenced, then computers help reassemble the fragments into the larger DNA sequence

Respuesta :


​Shotgun Sequencing


Shotgun sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the DNA sequence of an organism's genome. The method involves breaking the genome into a collection of small DNA fragments that are sequenced individually. A computer program looks for overlaps in the DNA sequences and uses them to place the individual fragments in their correct order to reconstitute the genome.


1. shotgun

2. inbreeding

3. cloning

4. Y chromosomes

5. The Human Genome Project sought to map a human's entire genome.

6. Inbreeding is a type of selective breeding that occurs when individuals with similar characteristics continue to be bred in an attempt to keep a certain set of traits. However, inbred organisms are genetically similar, and the probability that members of the population will receive mutated alleles leading to disorders is high.

7. Since no two humans have the same DNA, except for identical twins, forensics can take advantage of this fact by using DNA fingerprinting to solve crimes, convict wrongdoers, or overturn unjust convictions.
