Respuesta :
Defoliation is described as a full-size lack of leaves or stripping of leaves on a plant. there are numerous things that may reason for this, along with grazing animals like deer or rabbits, insect infestation, disease, or chemical runoff from herbicides.
what's the purpose of defoliation?
From the foundation word “foliage,” defoliation is the procedure of casting off leaves from plant life. The purpose of defoliation is to encourage more considerable yields in a shorter period of time even as growing the overall energy efficiency of the plant.
How do flowers respond to defoliation?
Root growth stops quickly after defoliation and quality roots may also die (Luo et al., 1995; Jarvis and MacDuff, 1989). breathing and nutrient uptake also decline quickly after defoliation. those responses, however, may be tempered by the age of the plant and the availability of assets.
Learn more about the Risks of defoliation here: