Animals have many adaptations that allow them to survive in their habitats. Camouflage helps animals to hide from their predators or to sneak up on their prey. Sometimes animal adaptations are triggered by weather or seasonal changes. During the spring, the warm weather and plentiful food supplies encourages the growth of both plants and animals. This growth continues throughout the summer. During the fall, the weather cools, the amount of sunlight decreases, and food may become scarce. Some plants become dormant and some animals undergo changes to prepare for the winter. Some animals collect food to store during the winter months and others hibernate, migrate, or grow thicker fur.

Did you know that on average, Florida has the mildest winters in the Continental United States. The average lows range from 65 °F in Key West to 41 °F in Tallahassee, while daytime highs range from 64 °F in Tallahassee to 77 °F in Miami. Imagine it is the winter in Florida. What animal behavior would you expect to observe?
A) Bears unable to find food and going into hibernation.
B) Birds from northern states flying into Florida to find food.
C) Mammals growing thick coats of white fur to stay hidden during the winter.
D) Birds leaving Florida and flying to more northern states to enjoy the seasonal changes.